band brasil
band USA
band espanha

Figure 58-01

    By developing this relation and for a RLC series circuit, let us denote the resonance frequency by fS, so that we can differentiate it from the frequency of resonance of a parallel circuit, represented by fP. Assim, temos:

    eq.   58-04

    Notice that the resonant frequency in a RLC series circuit is independent of the value of the resistor. In addition, we can define two lateral frequencies at the resonant frequency. Let's call them f1 and f2. The frequency f1 is known as LOWER cutoff frequency and the frequencyf2 it is called UPPER cutting frequency. Also is valid the relation f1 < f2. So, f1 is on the left of fS and the other frequency, f2, is on the right of fS.

Figure 58-02

    In the Figure 58-02 we can appreciate the frequency response of a resonant circuit. Notice what happens the maximum of the electric current in the circuit at the resonant frequency, fS. The cut frequencies f1 and f2 are located on the curve where the signal has 3 dB unless its maximum intensity. In general, the frequency response at resonance is not as symmetrical as it appears in the figure. We maintained symmetry for didactic matters.

        2.1   Bandwidth

    We define bandwidth as being the difference between side frequencies f1 and f2. It is represented by Δf. Then:

    eq.   58-05

    Bandwidth can also be expressed by eq. 58-06 (below) based on the above definition. Simply replace the values of f1 and f2 by equations 57-16 and 57-17. Making an algebraic arrangement, we find:

    eq.   58-06

    On the other hand, there is a relation between the lateral frequencies and the resonant frequency, which is expressed as the geometric mean between the lateral frequencies. We can express it as:

    eq.   58-07

        2.2   Power in Resonance

    As we have already said, the equivalent impedance of a series RLC circuit, at resonance, is equal to the resistance value R. This implies a minimum of impedance at the resonance. Consequently, in this condition, we have the maximum of electric current flowing through the circuit and this current is given by:

    eq.   58-08

    Therefore, we can write the power that the resistor dissipates in the resonance as:

    Po = (1/2) R Imax2

    On the other hand, in the lateral frequencies of cut, the intensity of the electric current is root of two times less than the maximum intensity. Then, by calculating the power in these frequencies, we realize that they will be half the power at the resonant frequency. Hence these frequencies are also known as half-power frequencies. Therefore, we can write:

    P1 = P2 = (1/2) Po

        2.3   Quality Factor

    The quality factor, also known as merit factor, Q, of a resonant circuit, is defined as the ratio of the reactive power to the average power dissipated in the resistor at the resonance frequency. Like this:

    Q = reactive power / average power

    The lower the power dissipated for the same reactive power value, the greater the factor Q, indicating a higher concentration of energy in the resonance region. Substituting the mean and reactive powers (let us consider the inductive reactance) by its values and simplifying, we find for the calculation of Q the following expression:

    eq.   58-09

    We use the S index for Q, in order to differentiate the Q from a parallel circuit, which we will study later. Notice that in the above equation, XL depends on the frequency at which the circuit works. We can compute the Q of the circuit only in function of the values of R, L and C, since in equation above, let us replace the frequency value in the inductive reactance by the equation 57-03. After some algebraic simplifications, we arrive at the expression below.

    eq.   58-10

    On the other hand, we can calculate the voltages on the inductor and the capacitor. For the inductor, using a voltage divider and remembering that at resonance, Zeq = R, we can write the expression VL = V  ( XL / R ). Using the same principle for the capacitor, we can write the two equations as follows:

    eq.   58-11
    eq.   58-12

    It should be noted that in a RLC series circuit, at the resonant frequency, there is a possibility that the capacitor and inductor will develop high voltages, well above the voltage supplied by the circuit power supply. Let us assume that our example circuit is in resonance and we have V = 20∠0° and QS = 100. Therefore, substituting the values and performing the calculation will have VL = VC = 100  20 = 2,000 volts. This suggests that we should be extremely careful when we are working in practice with RLC series circuits in resonance.

        2.4   Selectivity

    Selectivity is understood as how much the circuit should be selective so that the desired frequencies are within the bandwidth. The smaller the bandwidth, the greater the selectivity. This feature is closely linked to the quality factor of the circuit. Thus, the greater the Q, the greater the selectivity. Note that for a RLC series circuit, the value of the resistor is greater, the higher the Q (for constant values of L and C). Similarly, for constant resistance values, the higher the L / C ratio, the smaller the bandwidth and the greater the selectivity.


    Based on what was said above, for Qs ≥ 10, we can find the bandwidth using the equation below:

    eq.   58-13

    And as a consequence, we can write that:

    eq.   58-14
    eq.   58-15

    For any value of QS, we can determine the cut-off frequencies f1 and f2, simply knowing the parameters R, L e C. Below we see the two expressions that we should use.

    eq.   58-16
    eq.   58-17

    And so, all these equations allow to calculate the parameters of the circuit.

    3.   Parallel Resonant Circuit

    Let's divide our study into two topics: parallel resonant circuit Ideal and circuit resonant Real. The first one obeys the same characteristics studied in the series circuit. For the second case there are some additional considerations that will be studied in the item 3.2.

        3.1   Ideal Parallel Resonant Circuit

    The conditions for a parallel resonant circuit to be in resonance are the same as those required for a series resonant circuit, that is, obeys the eq. 58-03 repeated below:

    eq.   58-03

    We should point out some differences between the behavior of the two circuits when in RESONANCE. In the series resonant circuit there was a cancellation of the capacitor and inductor reactances and therefore the resulting impedance of these two components was NULL. Thus the equivalent impedance of the entire circuit was a pure resistive value represented by the resistance R.

Figure 58-03

    In the Figure 58-03 we see an ideal parallel resonant circuit. In the parallel resonant circuit, the parallel association of the inductor with the capacitor at the resonant frequency generates an INFINITA impedance.

    In this way, we can say that for a circuit series or parallel is in resonance the equivalent impedance of the same must be equal to a value pure resistive.And for the calculation of the resonance frequency, it is worth eq. 58-04, which we reproduce below.

    eq.   58-04

        3.2   Real Parallel Resonator Circuit

    In the case of a real parallel resonant circuit we must take into account that the inductor has an electric resistance. This resistance is due to the resistance that the wire used in its confection presents. In the case of the series resonant circuit we consider that this resistance was included in the value of R. Thus, a typical circuit to study the real parallel resonant circuit is presented in the Figure 58-04.

Figure 58-04

    In the case of the parallel resonant circuit, the resistor RS can not be combined in series or parallel with the source resistance or any other resistance of the circuit. Although the resistance RS has a very small value in relation to the other resistances of the circuit, it can present important influence in the resonance of the circuit.

    Let's find a parallel circuit that is equivalent to the R - L branch in series, as shown in the figure above. For this branch, we can write the following equation:

    ZR-L = Rs + jXL

    From this impedance we can calculate the admittance of this branch. Like this:

    YR-L = 1 / (Rs + jXL)

    To solve this equation simply multiply by the conjugate complex of the denominator. Developing and renaming, we come to:

    YR-L = 1 / Rp + 1 / j XLp

    The relationship between these two new variables and those known in the circuit is given by:

    eq.   58-18
     eq.  58-19

    Thus, we can find an equivalence of a series R-L circuit for a parallel R-L circuit. If we take into account that the source has an internal resistance Ri, we can associate it with Rp, getting a new value that we will define as R. Thus:

    R = Ri || Rp = Ri Rp / (Ri + Rp)

    In this way, we can redesign the circuit as shown in the Figure 58-05.

Figure 58-05

    At this point, it should be remembered that in the series resonant circuit the resonance frequency was that in which the impedance was minimal, the current was maximum, the input impedance was purely resistive and the circuit had a unit power factor. In the case of the parallel resonant circuit, such as the Rp in the equivalent circuit depends on the frequency, the value at which the maximum value of VC is not necessarily the same for which the power factor is unitary. So we have two situations to consider. Let's study them separately.

        3.2.1   Frequency for F.P. Unit

    Considering the circuit of the figure above, we can write the total admittance of the circuit as:

    YT = 1 / R + j (1 / XC - 1 / XLp)

    For the circuit to have a unit power factor, the reactive component must be NULL. So:

    1 / XC - 1 / XLp = 0    ⇒    XC = XLp

    Substituting the value of XLp, previously found, we have:

    eq.   58-20

    Remembering that:

    XC = 1 / (ωP  C)    e    XLp = ωP  L

    Where, ωP is the resonant frequency of the parallel resonant circuit. Developing the eq. 58-13, we find that the resonant frequency of the parallel resonant circuit is equal to the resonant frequency of the series resonant circuit multiplied by a factor K. This factor is given by:

    eq.   58-21

    Thus, we can express the resonant frequency of the parallel resonant circuit as:

    eq.   58-22

    Where, fS is given by eq. 58-04, again shown below:

    eq.   58-04

    It should be noted that the resonant frequency fP depends on the resistance RS. Since the factor K is less than unity, of course that fP is smaller than fS. We can also conclude that as soon as RS approximates to ZERO, fP rapidly approaching fS.

        3.2.2   Frequency for Maximum Impedance

    As RP depends on the frequency, when f = fP the input impedance of the resonant circuit is very close to its maximum, but did not reach it. For this case, maximum impedance, let us denote the frequency as fm. Its value is slightly higher than fP. The equation that determines the value of fm is shown below.

    eq.   58-23

        3.3   Merit Factor,  Q

    The Merit or Quality factor in a parallel resonant circuit is also given by the ratio of reactive power to real. Like this:

    QP = (V2 / XLp ) / (V2 / R )

    In this equation V is the voltage in the branches in parallel and R is the value of the parallel of RS with RP. Rearranging the previous equation, QP is given by:

    eq.   58-24

    For the particular case of resistance RP is much smaller than the resistance presented by the source, the above equation falls in the case of the series resonant circuit, given by eq. 58-13, reproduced below with minor modification. In general, the bandwidth is related to the resonant frequency, fr, and the factor of merit, QP, of the circuit, given by:

    eq.   58-25

    As in the series resonant circuit, the cutoff frequencies f1 and f2 in the parallel resonant circuit can also be determined by the values of the circuit components. The equations that allow the calculation of f1 and f2 are shown below.

    eq.   58-26
    eq.   58-27

    In the same way as was done for the series resonant circuit, using the definition of bandwidth and replacing f1 and f2 by equations 58-26 and 58-27, after some algebraic work we come to:

    eq.   58-28

    In this equation we notice how the bandwidth is closely related to the value of R. The greater the R value, the smaller the bandwidth and vice versa. In the graph shown in Figure 58-06, it is clear influence. Note, however, that the value of R does not interfere with the resonant frequency.

Figure 58-06

        3.4   Dynamic Impedance

    Considering the equivalence between a series and parallel circuit we can consider that there is the equality below:

    Q   =   QS   =   QP

    Using the equations eq. 58-09 and eq. 58-24 we arrive at the following relation:

    eq.   58-29

    So, doing some algebraic work on these equations, we determine the value of the dynamic impedance, Zd, that a real parallel circuit presents, that is:

    eq.   58-30

    From this equation we conclude that the lower the value of the electrical resistance of the wire that is used in the manufacture of the inductor, the greater the dynamic impedance of the parallel circuit. For inductors with high Q, RS is small, causing Zd is very large, as is desirable to obtain high selectivity, especially in circuits used in telecommunications.