Using the voltage mesh method ( Kirchhoff's law ) we know that in a closed
loop, the algebraic
sum of the voltages must be equal to ZERO . Note that point A of the resistance of
80 Ω is not connected to anything. Therefore, the voltage at that point will be equal to
the voltage at point a , as there will be no current flowing through this resistance.
Therefore, we can eliminate this resistance from the circuit. On the other hand, the resistance
of 40 Ω is in parallel with the voltage source and can also be eliminated from the circuit.
In Figure 13-09.2 we see the circuit redesigned with a new topology for clarity.
Figure 13-09.2
In the figure above, we realize that we can simplify the circuit a little more in order to make it more
easy to understand the calculation of the currents involved in solving the problem. So, using Kirchhoff's law and
based on the circuit shown in Figure 13-09.3 we can determine the equations for the
three loops in the circuit.
Figure 13-09.3
30 Ia - 30 Ib = 60
- 30 Ia + 118 Ib - 80 Ic = 0
-80 Ib + 100 Ic = 0
So we have a system of three equations to three unknowns, which can be solved
by Crammer rule, by substitution, etc ... After the calculations we find the values of
Ia, Ib and Ic.
Ia = 4.50 A
Ib = 2.50 A
Ic = 2.00 A
Pay close attention that the calculated currents are valid for the circuit represented
in Figure 13-09.3 . Now, we must find the relation between the calculated currents
in this circuit and the currents shown in the circuit of Figure 13-09.2 . Then,
comparing the two circuits we have:
I)The current I1 = Ia - Ib.
II) The current I2 = Ib.
III) and the current I3 = Ib - Ic.
Then, performing the calculations, we found
I1 = 2.0 A
I2 = 2.5 A
I3 = 0.50 A
Now that we know the values of the three currents, it is possible to calculate the values of Va,
Vc and Ve. Note that for the calculation of voltages we are taking as reference
the circuit shown in Figure 13-09.2. So
VA = Va = (33 + 25) I3 = 58 x 0.5 = 29 volts
Item b
To calculate the potential difference between points c-e ,
we must calculate the voltage at point c and at point e . So:
Vc = 18 I1 = 18 x 2.0 = 36 volts
Ve = 25 I3 = 25 x 0.5 = 12.5 volts
And by definition, we know that Vce = Vc - Ve. Then