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equação função delta
Figure 21-01
Figure 21-02
equação função delta
equação função delta
equação função delta

    A Practical Look at the Impulse Function

    It is common in the literature to assume that the impulse function exists between 0- and 0+ when it is centered at zero . These times are extremely short. In practice, we could simulate using a known voltage source and a switch. Thus, when the key was turned on quickly, a voltage would appear at the output. But immediately after turning the key on, in an extremely short time, we would turn it off. This process gives rise to an output voltage equal to the source voltage, but the time this voltage exists is very short.

    One question: Does this have any use?

    Suppose we are interested in studying the behavior of an electrical system or a mechanical system. Imagine a pendulum . Yes, that piece of wire of known length where at one end is fixed a mass of known value and the other end is fixed to the ceiling, for example. Now imagine the pendulum at rest. If we do not act, the pendulum will continue to rest indefinitely. And in that case, there is nothing to study. So let's take action. Let's take a little "pat" sideways until the pendulum shifts horizontal in relation to rest. Note that with this horizontal displacement the pendulum also gains a displacement vertical "h" and the pendulum gained a gravitational energy equal to m g h . With this initial energy the pendulum will swing and we can study its behavior.

    Going back to the electrical case, it is evident that when we use an impulse source, the idea is to provide an initial energy to the system and with that we will have the so-called initial condition, a necessary condition to start studying the system behavior.

    3. Step Function

    In transient analysis, switching operations can cause sudden changes in circuit voltages and currents. These discontinuities can be represented by the step and impulse functions. The step function is represented in various ways in textbooks. In this site we will use the notation:

    step function     u -1(t)

    This notation indicates that the function is null for t < 0. For t> 0 presents a value constant and different from zero. Mathematically we can define it as

    K   u -1(t)   =   0    if    t < 0

    K   u -1(t)   =   K    if    t > 0

    In the Figure 21-03 we see the graphic illustration of the step function. Note the agreement with the above definition.

Figure 21-03

    When K = 1 the function defined above is called UNIT step function. The step function is not defined in t = 0 . When necessary to define the transition from 0- to 0+, we assume that it occurs linearly, that is, that in this interval we have:

    K   u -1(0)   =   0.5   K

    Like the impulse function, the step function can be time shifted. In the Figure 21-04 we see the graphical representation of a time-shifted function.

Figure 21-04

    Note that when a > 0 , the step occurs to the right of the origin. So when a < 0 , the step occurs to the left of the origin. Thus, a step function equal to K for t < a can be written as:

    K   u -1(a - t)   =   K    when    t < a

    K   u -1(a - t)   =   0    when    t > a

    In the Figure 21-05 we see the graphic illustration of the step function. Note the agreement with the above definition.

Figure 21-05

    4. Ramp Function

    The ramp function is defined by increasing or decreasing lines. As the step function it can be represented in many ways. On this site we will use the two notations shown below for convenience.

    ramp function     u -2(t)   =   t u -1(t)

    Note that some books use the r (t) notation for the ramp function. The result is the same.

    This notation indicates that the function is null for t < 0 and for t > 0 , has a linearly increasing value or linearly decreasing, depending on the angular coefficient K of the line. Mathematically we can define it as:

    K   u -2(t)   =   0    when    t < 0

    K   u -2(t)   =   K    when    t > 0

    In the Figure 21-06 we see the graphic illustration of the ramp function. Note the agreement with the above definition. Note that in this case the value of K is equal to 1. Since it represents the angular coefficient of the line, this means that the line of the graph makes an angle of 45° to the horizontal axis.

Figure 21-06

    Like the previous two functions, the ramp function can also be shifted in time. In the Figure 21-07 we see the illustration of this condition.

Figure 21-07

    Note that when a > 0, the ramp function occurs to the right of the origin. So when a <0 , the ramp occurs to the left of the origin. Thus, a ramp function equal to K for t < a can be written as:

    K u -2 (a - t)   =   K (a - t)    when    t < a

    K u -2 (a - t)   =   0    when    t > a

    In the Figure 21-08 we see the graphic illustration of the ramp function in this condition. Note the agreement with the above definition.

Figure 21-08

    Therefore, by summing a sequence of ramps we can create triangular waves, sawtooth and many others. Use the imagination.

    5. Relation Between the Three Functions

    The three functions studied are related through integration and derivation. The two equations below define that the impulse function can be obtained by deriving the step function. And the step function can be obtained by deriving the ramp function.


    On the other hand, the step function can be obtained by integrating the impulse function, while the ramp function can be obtained by integrating the step function. This is what illustrates the two equations below.


    6. Product Between Functions

    Using the filtering property we can realize product between functions by obtaining values that suit our interests. Let's suppose the function f(t) = sin 314 t. From the function we know that f = 50 Hz, and therefore your period is 0.02 s. See the Figure 21-09 for a graph of this function.

Figure 21-09

    Suppose for an experiment we will need a waveform as we can see in the Figure 21-10. Note that we have a positive part and a negative part. Thus, we must provide a step function that allows the positive part to pass and another step function that allows the negative part to pass.

Figure 21-10

    For the positive side let's use the function u-1(t - 5 ms) - u-1(t - 10 ms) and for the downside - u-1(t - 10 ms) + u-1(t - 20 ms). Thus, we generate two pulses that allow us to obtain the desired shape for the experiment.

Figure 21-11

    In the Figure 21-11 we see the illustration of the pulse formation required to form the positive part of the waveform, that is, between the time of 5 ms and 10 ms. Note that the positive pulse, u-1(t - 5 ms), starts after 5 ms from time zero. Since we want it not to exist after time 10 ms, then we must subtract the same amount in time equal to 10 ms. This is why we use the function represented by - u-1(t - 10 ms).

    Thus, from time 10 ms both functions cancel each other, generating the pulse we want. This process allows us to have the positive part of the waveform output. Now, to get the negative, we must have a pulse below the x axis , that is, negative. Then we use the function - u-1(t - 10 ms), which will generate a negative pulse from time 10 ms . And to cancel the pulse at time 20 ms, we use the same technique as before, adding the function + u-1(t - 20 ms). Then, from time 20 ms , the two functions cancel each other, generating the necessary pulse to get the negative part of the waveform. No less important is to describe it mathematically. Using the multiplication property of functions, we mathematically represent this function as:

    f(t) =sin 314t [u-1(t - 5) -u-1(t - 10) -u-1(t - 10) + u-1(t - 20)]

    In a smaller way, we can write:

    f(t) = sin 314t [u-1(t - 5) - 2 u-1(t - 10) + u-1(t - 20)]

    This graphic work was intended to demonstrate how we can work out the right function for our interests.