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Figure 22-01
Figure 22-02
Figure 22-03

Figure 22-04
Figure 22-05

Figure 22-06
Figure 22-07
Figure 22-08
Figure 22-09

    Then, substituting these values in the above equation and grouping similar terms, we find:

    Vc = 7 (1- e- (t/6 ) ms )

    In other words, to t = 0 we have Vc = 0 because 1 - e-0 = 0. As t grows, e- (t/6 ) ms tends to zero and therefore Vc will tend to the source voltage of 7 volts.

    To determine the mathematical expression that defines the electric current in the capacitor, let's use eq. 22-01. For a better understanding, let's repeat it here.

    eq.   22-01

    See the circuit in the Figure 22-10.

Figure 22-10

    In this particular case, V is the Thévenin voltage (7 volts), R is the Thévenin resistance (30 kΩ) and C is the capacitor value (0.2 µF) in the circuit. Replacing the above equation and performing the calculation we find the mathematical expression that was requested in the problem.

    ic = 233 µA ( e- (t/6 ) ms )

    What this equation says is that when we turn on the key, that is, to t = 0, the current that passes through the capacitor is of 233 µA ( because e0 = 1). If t increases, the current tends to zero, as expected.

    6. Electric Current in a Capacitor

    As a capacitor is made up of two conductors separated by a dielectric or insulating material, it means that the electrical charge is not conducted through the capacitor. Although applying a voltage to the capacitor's terminals does not cause it to conduct charges through its dielectric, it can produce small displacements of a charge within it. As the voltage varies with time, this displacement also varies with time, causing the so-called displacement current.

    At the terminals of a capacitor, the displacement current is indistinguishable from a conduction current. Therefore, we can state that:

    "The current in a capacitor is proportional to the temporal variation of the voltage across it."
    eq.   22-04

    Note that the equation eq. 22-04 perfectly expresses the above definition. Therefore, two conclusions can be drawn:

  • If the voltage v at the terminals is constant, then the current in the capacitor is null, or i = 0.
  • If the voltage v on the capacitor changes instantaneously, then i = ∞. Physically, this is impossible, as it would require infinite power. This implies that a capacitor cannot undergo instantaneous voltage variations. In other words: we cannot have discontinuity in v(t).

    The reason the current in the capacitor is zero when the voltage across it is constant is that a conduction current cannot be established in the dielectric material. Thus, the capacitor in the presence of a constant voltage behaves like an circuit or open loop.

    7. Electrical Voltage in a Capacitor

    Working algebraically the eq. 22-04 and integrating we obtain the voltage on the capacitor when we know the current flowing through it. See the eq. 22-05.

    eq.   22-05

    The time to is called initial time and the voltage v(to) is called initial condition. Most of the time we do to = 0, a convenient value.


    Let it be a capacitor, whose capacitance is unknown, connected directly to a current source of value given by:

    i(t)  =  3.75   e- 1.2 t   u-1(t)   A

    And the voltage across the capacitor is:

    v(t)  =  4 - 1,25   e- 1,2 t   u-1(t)   V

    We want to determine the value of the capacitor's capacitance. To solve this problem we will use eq. 22-05. So substituting for numerical values, we have:

    4 - 1.25   e- 1.2 t  =  (-3.125/C ) (e- 1.2 t - 1 )

    Equating the coefficients of e- 1.2 t , we obtain:

    C  =  3.125/1.25  =  2.5   F