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Figure 64-01

Figure 64-02
Figure 64-03
Table 64-01
Voltage Zener P = 0.5 W P = 1.0 W
4.70 volts 1N750 1N4732
6.80 volts 1N754 1N4736
10.0 volts 1N758 1N4740
12.0 volts 1N759 1N4742
15.0 volts 1N965 1N4744
22.0 volts 1N969 1N4748
33.0 volts 1N973 1N4752

    4.   Using the Zener Diode

    For all of the features reported above, it is more than enough reason for the zener diode to be employed as voltage regulator.

    When we studied the rectifier circuits, we pointed out that one of the problems was the ripple on the output voltage. To reduce it, a capacitor was added in parallel with the load. We saw that the capacitor softened the problem, but it did not eliminate it. So we have the zener diode as the savior of this situation.

    When we use a zener diode as a voltage regulator, we usually use the voltage output of the rectifier, and use a resistor between the capacitor and zener as a limiter of current. In the Figure 64-04 we can appreciate a typical voltage regulator circuit using a zener diode.

Figure 64-04

    Important:    For this circuit to work properly, is very important that the relation below to be satisfied.

    eq.   64-03

    Note that in this equation, VDC - (ΔV/2) represents the minor voltage at the output of the rectifier circuit. As there will be a voltage drop in the resistor Rs, we have to leave a minimum clearance of 2.50 volts (this may be more), otherwise the zener diode will not be able to guarantee stable output voltage.

    Some authors, and even teachers, accept values of the order of 0.5 to 1 volt. In theory, it may be. But if it is a design to be put into practice, never leave less than 2.5 volts or there will be great possibilities your design will not work.

    Another important situation in projects with zener diodes is the possibility of the load suffering some kind of problem, such as a rupture thereof and become an open circuit. In this case, the current that had previously circulated through the load must now be absorbed by the zener diode. If zener does not support this increase in current, it will be damaged as it will dissipate a power above its capacity.

    To avoid this possibility, we must verify if the equation below is satisfied by the circuit, not forgetting that IS = IZ + IL.

    eq.   64-04

    Another possibility is that the load is not an open circuit, but a short circuit. In this case the zener diode will not be damaged. However, the resistor Rs shall withstand the excess current flowing through it. Then, in the design, the equation below must be satisfied.

    eq.   64-05

    When the input voltage is constant, then Vimax = Vi. And when the input voltage is not constant then Vimax = Vi + (Δ V/2)

    5.   Voltage Regulator with Zener Diode

    For the circuit design of a voltage regulator using a zener diode we need some data, such as the output voltage, the maximum electric current that will circulate through the load, and also the output voltage of the rectifier plus the ripple, ΔV. In the problems and evidence of this area, we find some variations of data provided, but there should be a minimum of data that is sufficient to elaborate the project.

    Another relevant fact is that the value of Rs can assume minimum and maximum values, and will depend on the minimum and maximum voltage at the rectifier output. So we can establish two basic principles for the project.

    1st Principle -    In order for the zener diode to maintain the stable voltage at the output, it must operate with a current greater than the calculated minimum current, IZmin. In other words: IZ > IZmin. As a consequence, this limits the minimum value of the input voltage in the circuit, given by Vi(min) = VDC - (ΔV/2), as well as the maximum value of the series resistance of the circuit, represented by RSmax. These limitations allow us to write the equation below.

    eq.   64-06

    2nd Principle -    If the current passing through the zener diode is greater than the maximum calculated current, IZmax, certainly the zener diode will be damaged. As a consequence, this limits the maximum value of the input voltage in the circuit, given by Vi(max) = VDC + (ΔV/2), as well as the minimum value of the series resistor of the circuit, represented by RSmin. From this, we conclude that we should have IZ < IZmax. These limitations allow us to write the equation below.

    eq.   64-07

    Based on these two principles we can analyze four cases that may occur.

        5.1   Case 1

    Constant Load (RL = cte) and Constant Input Voltage

    In this case, the constant load means that the current in the load depends only on the voltage VZ. On the other hand, since the input voltage is also constant (it may be a battery), then zener is being used as a reductor of the input voltage. This circuit can be used when we need a voltage less than that supplied by the rectifier. In the Figure 64-05 we can appreciate a typical circuit used for this purpose, where Vi represents the source with constant voltage.

Figure 64-05

    Based on the circuit, we easily conclude that:

    IS = IZ + IL

    Since we assume that the electric current in the load is constant, then if we work with the minimum current for the zener diode, we will be establishing the maximum value that the resistance RS can assume. On the other hand, if we work with the maximum current for the zener diode, we will be establishing the minimum value that the resistor RS can assume. So, depending on the choice, we can work with the two equations below.

    eq.   64-08
    eq.   64-09

    Realize that to find RSmax we use IZmin and for to calculate RSmin we use IZmax. In general, in the tests, these variables are the most requested in the problem solving. And to find the practical value of RS, we can do the arithmetic mean of the calculated values. If you are prompted by the problem, we can adjust the value of the RS found for the nearest commercial value.

    Example 1

    As an example, we will use the above circuit, assuming that Vi = 14 volts, VZ = 10 volts and a load current equal to 100 mA. Let's use the 1N4740 zener that can dissipate up to 1 watt of power.


    Since we know the voltage and power of the zener, we can calculate IZmax and IZmin, or:

    IZ max = PZ / VZ = 1 / 10 = 0.1 A = 100 mA

    Now we can calculate IZ min, or:

    IZ min = 10% x IZ max = 10% x 100 mA = 10 mA

    With these two values we will calculate RS min and RSmax using the equations that we developed at the beginning of this case. Like this:

    RS min = (14 - 10) / (0.1 + 0.1) = 20 Ω

    And in turn:

    RS max = (14 - 10) / (0.01 + 0.1) = 36.67 Ω

    In this way, we can calculate the arithmetic mean of RSmin and RSmax to find a convenient value for our project. Soon:

    RS = (RS min + RS max) / 2 = 56.67 /2 = 28.33  Ω

    Therefore, a commercial resistance value closer to the value found is:

    RS = 27  Ω

    Of course, we could have chosen a value as 22 ohms or 33 ohms, because they would be within acceptable values for RS, since  RSmin < RS < RSmax .

    We must determine the power that the resistor RS will dissipate in the circuit. The current passing through RS is given by:

    IS = (Vi - VZ) /RS = 4 / 27 = 148.15 mA

    Then the power dissipated is:

    PS = (Vi - VZ) IS = 4 x 0.14815 = 0.5926  W

    Therefore, we can use a resistance of 1 W, or rather one of 2 watts. So we got a bigger slack.

    To conclude, we can calculate the power dissipated by the zener.

    PZ = VZ. (IS - IL) = 10 x 0.04815 = 0.4815  W

    Some considerations

    With the chosen value of RS we get a security factor greater than (1 / 0.4815)> 2 for the zener diode. If RS = 33 Ω then PZ = 0.21 W. The zener works with low power dissipation. And if RS = 22 Ω then PZ = 0.82 W. In this case, the zener will work very close to its power limit.

    Note how the chosen value of RS influences the power dissipated by the zener.

    Another situation:   let us suppose that the load suffers a malfunction, such as an interruption in the circulation of electric current through it. In this case, the zener will have to absorb the excess current. In this example, if this happens, the zener will be damaged, because the current that will circulate through it is above the maximum value that it supports. This happens for any value of RS calculated. Check out !!!

    These are just a few considerations that should be taken into account in the project.

        5.2   Case 2

    Variable Load and Constant Input Voltage

    Now let's look at the case where we hold the voltage V of the source and change the load, that is, IL can range from a minimum value to a maximum value, which will certainly be explained in the problem statement. This case is a particularity of the previous. The zener continues to be used as a reductor of voltage, but the current in the load may vary. An example would be to feed a small amplifier that amplifies the signal coming from a microphone. When no one speaks to the microphone, the current consumption of the amplifier is minimal. However, when someone speaks to the microphone, the current consumption increases considerably.

    Let's think with logic: if zener is able to maintain a stable (constant) voltage and voltage Vi is also constant, obviously the electric current through the resistor RS will also be. This implies that if the current in the load changes, then the current in the zener should also vary. And in the same amount as the change in load. With this in mind, for the circuit to work properly, we must fulfill two requirements:

    a)    When load is consuming the maximum current , we have to ensure that the current in zener is at least equal to the minimum current of the zener , that is, we have to satisfy IZ ≥ IZmin, so that the zener can maintain a stable voltage at the output.

    b)    When the load is consuming the minimum current, then the electric current in zener, under no hypothesis, may be greater than the maximum current of zener, that is, IZ ≤ IZmax. Otherwise, the zener will be damaged as it will dissipate a power above its specifications.

    Based on this information we can write the equations that allow to find the maximum and minimum values of RS.

    eq.   64-10
    eq.   64-11

    Realize that to find RS max we use IZmin together with ILmax and to calculate RSmin we use IZmax together with ILmin. As in case 1, to find the practical value of RS, we can do the arithmetic mean of the calculated values. If you are prompted by the problem, we can adjust the RS found for the nearest commercial value.

    In the Figure 64-06 we can see the circuit that represents this situation. It should be noted that, when the value of resistor RS is chosen, for the circuit to work satisfactorily, it is worth at any moment the relation:

    IS = IZ + IL
Figure 64-06

    Example 2

    As an example, we will use the circuit show in the Figure 64-06, assuming that the voltage input Vi = 20 volts, VZ = 12 volts and a load current ranging from 20 to 80 mA. Let's use the zener 1N4742 which can dissipate up to 1 watt power.


    Since we know the voltage and power of the zener, we can calculate IZmax and IZmin, or:

    IZ max = PZ / VZ = 1 / 12 = 83.33  mA

    Now we can calculate IZmin, or:

    IZ min = 10% IZ max = 10%. 83.33 mA = 8.33 mA

    With these two values we will calculate RSmin and RSmax using the two equations we developed at the beginning of this case. Like this:

    RS min = (20 - 12) / (0.0833 + 0.02) = 77.44 Ω

    And in turn:

    RSmax = (20 - 12) / (0.00833 + 0.08) = 90.56 Ω

    As in the previous case, we will calculate the arithmetic mean of the values found:

    RSmax = (77.44 + 90.56) / 2 = 84 Ω

    The nearest commercial value is:

    RS = 82 Ω

    Let's calculate the current that flows through RS.

    IS = (Vi - VZ) /RS = 8 / 82 = 97.56 mA

    Then the power dissipated in RS is:

    PS = (Vi - VZ) .IS = 8 x 0.09756 = 0.78 W

    So we can use a resistor of 1 W or 2 W.

    Now let's calculate the current in the zener diode as a function of the current variation in the load. Note that when the load consumes 80 mA, in the zener we will have a current of:

    IZ = IS - IL = 97.56 - 80 = 17.56 mA

    And when the load consumes 20 mA, the current in the zener diode will be:

    IZ = IS - IL = 97.56 - 20 = 77.56 mA

    That is, the zener diode is working to its specifications. So we can write that the current of the zener vary between the values  17.56   ≤   IZ   ≤   77.56 mA.

        5.3   Case 3

    Constant load (RL = cte) and Variable Input Voltage

    In this case, where we keep the load fixed, that is, IL is constant, there will be variations in the zener current, IZ. This is because the input voltage is no longer fixed, so we will have a ripple . Like this, when there is variation in tension, there will be variation in the current that circulates through RS. This variation will be reflected in the zener current.

    Therefore, for the circuit to work properly we must fulfill two requirements:

    a)  When the input voltage is maximum, the current in the zener will also be maximum and this will determine the minimum value of RS.

    b) And when the input voltage is minimum, the current in the zener will also be minimum and this will determine the maximum value of RS.

    Based on this information we can write the equations that allow to find the maximum and minimum values of RS.

    eq.   64-12
    eq.   64-13

    Realize that to find RSmin we use IZmax together with Vi(max) and to calculate RSmax we use IZmin together with Vi(min). As in other cases, in order to find the practical value of RS, we can do the arithmetic mean of the calculated values. If you are prompted by the problem, we can adjust the RS found for the nearest commercial value.

    See in the Figure 64-07 a typical circuit for this case.

Figure 64-07
    A practical example can be seen Here!

        5.4   Case 4

    Variable Load and Variable Input Voltage

    The latter case is characterized by all the currents and voltages involved being variables, except for the voltage on the zener, which MUST be constant. Therefore, for the circuit to function properly, we must fulfill two requirements:

    a)    When the input voltage is maximum, the current in the zener will also be maximum and the current in the load will be minimum . This will determine the minimum value of RS.

    b)    And when the input voltage is minimum, the current in the zener will also be minimum and the current in the load will be maximum. This will determine the maximum value of RS.

    Based on this information we can write the equations that allow to find the maximum and minimum values of RS.

    eq.   64-14
    eq.   64-15

    Realize that to find RSmin we use IZmax together with Vi(max)   and   ILmin. To calculate RSmax we use IZmin together with Vi(min) and ILmax. As in other cases, in order to find the practical value of RS, we can make the arithmetic mean of the calculated values. If you are prompted by the problem, we can adjust the RS found for the nearest commercial value.

    See in the Figure 64-08 a typical circuit for this case.

Figure 64-08

    A practical example can be seen Here!