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Figure 63-01
Figure 63-02
Figure 63-03
Figure 63-04

Figure 63-05
Figure 63-06
Figure 63-07
Figure 63-08

Figure 63-09
Figura 63-10

    eq.   62-02a

    As we know the initial voltage in the capacitor (VCmax), after a time t a voltage in the capacitor will be:

    VC = VCmax (1 - e-(t/τ))
    eq.   62-02b

    To find an approximate equation for the value of C, let's make two simplifications, based on the fact that in this case we have τ = RL C >> t. Therefore, we can write:

    (1 - e-(t/τ)) ≅ 1 - (t/τ)     and     t ≅ T

    In the above approximation, T is the period of the sine wave. But in the case of full wave rectification, the wave period is half the period when half wave rectification occurs. This means that we have the double the frequency on the rectified signal. Substituting these values into  eq. 62-02b, combining with  eq. 62-02a,   and making τ = RL C , let's find:

    ΔVr = VCmax - VCmax (1 - (T/2 RL C)) = (VCmax / RL ) (T/2 C)

    Remembering that f = 1 / T, the above equation can be written as shown in eq. 63-03.

    eq.   63-03

    So, knowing the values of f, RL and C, we can calculate the value of the voltage undulation. And so, we can define the index or percentage rate of peak-to-peak ripple represented by the letter rpp, of according to the equation eq. 63-04.

    eq.   63-04

    Note that using the eq. 63-04 and eq. 63-03 we can write to eq. 63-05.

    eq.   63-05

    Note that based on eq. 63-05, we can rewrite eq. 63-03 as follows:

    eq.   63-06

    Working algebraically at eq. 63-01 and eq. 63-06, we can write to eq. 63-07:

    eq.   63-07

    It should be noted that so far the only approach made has been to assume the undulation of the wave rectified as a triangular waveform. This is the most accurate way to present the basic theory about rectifiers. However, in most textbooks, their authors make more approximations, for example, for values below 10% in the ripple index, assumes VDC ≅ VCmax and therefore we can write IDC = VCmax / RL. With that in mind, we can approximate the eq. 63-03 by the following expression:

    eq.   63-08

        3.2   RMS Ripple Voltage[Vr (rms)]

    In the previous item, to study the ripple, we made an approximation of the voltage by a triangular waveform. Thus, we define ΔVr as the variation of the voltage peak to peak. Another way to study the ripple is to consider the RMS value. For this, it is necessary to establish a correspondence between the RMS value and the peak to peak value of the triangular voltage. Using a little calculation we'll find that

    eq.   63-09

    Now, we can define the RMS ripple index represented by the letter r, according to the equation eq. 63-10.

    eq.   63-10

    By doing algebraic work with the equations we have already studied, we can write an equation that relates r, Vr (rms) and VCmax, as can be seen in the eq. 63-11.

    eq.   63-11

        3.3   Filter Capacitor Value

    As between the peak to peak values and the RMS value there is a correction factor, let's study each case separately. Therefore, we must know, in advance, if in the problem the value of ripple is stated in RMS or peak-to-peak values.

        3.3.1   For Ripple in Peak to Peak Values

    In case the ripple is given in peak to peak values, that is, we are working with ΔVr, then algebraically manipulating the eq. 63-03, we can find the capacitor value for the specified ripple, or

    eq.   63-12

    It is also possible to calculate the value of C knowing the values of f, RL and rpp using the eq. 63-13.

    eq.   63-13

    Note that comparing the above equations with those of the half-wave rectifier, the difference appears in the denominator, by the factor 2. This means that for the same conditions imposed on the rectifier, in the full wave rectifier we need a capacitor with half the value as in the case of the half wave rectifier.

    Note that according to the observation made at the end of item 3.1, where we assume it was valid approximation VDC ≅ VCmax, it is possible to rewrite the eq. 63-12 as:
    eq.   63-14

    For the case where rpp < 10% a eq. 63-14 can be used, as the error made is less than 3% on average. As electrical components, in general, can have a tolerance greater than 5% and, in addition, they are sold with default values that do not always match the calculated values, so this error is perfectly tolerable. As an example, see Problem 63-5, or click here.

        3.3.2   For Ripple with Values in RMS

    For the case that ripple is given in value RMS, we must consider the correction factor given by eq. 63-09. Using this correction factor in eq. 63-03, we found the value of C, or:

    eq.   63-15

    Replacing the eq. 63-11 in eq. 63-15, we get:

    eq.   63-16

    Note that from eq. 63-16, after an algebraic arrangement, we can calculate the value of RL, if the problem is given the value of f, C and r. Thus, we obtain:

    eq.   63-16a
    Just as we did in the previous item, where we assume VDC ≅ VCmax, it is possible to rewrite the eq. 63-15 like:
    eq.   63-17
    In this case, the considerations of the previous item regarding the error caused by this approximation also apply.

    4.   Real Diode Rectifiers

    So far we have studied the full-wave rectifier assuming an ideal diode, that is, there was no voltage drop on it. But actually, we know that when a diode meets in the conduction zone there is a potential difference over it of 0.7 volts. Soon, to find the maximum voltage across the capacitor, ie VCmax, we must know if the rectifier is of type bridge or with central tap.

    If the rectifier is center tap, we must subtract 0.7V from the maximum or peak voltage (Vp) of the secondary of the transformer, because in this case we only have one diode conducting in each half cycle of the sinusoid.

    However, in the case of bridge rectifier type, we must subtract 1.4 V from the maximum or peak voltage (Vp) of the secondary of the transformer, because in this case we always have two diodes conducting in each semi-cycle of the sinusoid.

    So, when solving the problems, we must pay attention to the type of rectifier in use.

Center Tap Type
    eq.   63-18

Bridge Type
    eq.   63-19

    5.   Reverse Voltage on Diode

    All diodes come with a very important specification called reverse voltage. What does that mean?   Note, in the previous explanations, that when the sine enters the negative peak, the P-N junction of the diode is subjected to a reverse bias. In order not to damage the diode, it must be able to withstand this reverse voltage. Therefore, when selecting a diode for a project be sure to verify that it supports the reverse voltage in the circuit. As an example, we can mention the series 1N 4000, where the diode 1N 4001 supports a reverse voltage of 100 volts, the 1N 4002 supports 200 volts of reverse voltage, going to the 1N 4007 that supports 1 000 volts. Thus, there are several types of diodes with different reverse voltage values. So, for a good project it is important to pay attention to details.

    For a full wave rectifier, the reverse voltage is approximately equal to the sum of the maximum voltage supplied by the transformer secondary (Vp ) with the maximum voltage across the capacitor (VCmax). In this way, we can approximate the value of the reverse voltage (Vrev) over the diode according to eq. 63-20.

    eq.   63-20

    6.   Average and Peak Current on Diode

    So far, we have verified that the full wave rectifier can produce the same ripple with a capacitor that has half the capacitance when compared to the half wave rectifier. On the other hand, the considerations regarding the peak current drawn by the rectifier diodes during capacitor charging remain valid. Larger values for the capacitor generate a smaller ripple and, consequently, the driving time of the rectifier diodes is shorter. This means that the shorter the capacitor charging time, the greater the charging current flow through the diodes.

    As studied in item 3.3.1, the average current in the diode can be calculated by transforming the eq. 63-12 and eq. 63-02 in the list presented below, eq. 63-21.

    eq.   63-21

    Assuming that during the charging time of the capacitor the current in the diode is constant and the average current drawn from the source is equal to the average current in the diode, we can write the equation that determines the peak current in the diode, or

    eq.   63-22
    Where the variables are:
  • Ip - Peak current on the diode.
  • IDC - Average current in the diode.
  • Tc - Diode conduction time.
  • T - Period = 1/f.

    Note that replacing the eq. 63-21 in eq. 63-22, and remembering that f = 1/T, we can write the eq. 63-23, or

    eq.   63-23

    Note that the product 2 C VCmax rpp = 2 C ΔVr it is exactly the charge Q that must be supplied to the capacitor at a time Tc. And, by definition I = ΔQ / ΔT, then this equation is perfectly in line with what has been studied so far.

    However, to determine the value of Ip we need to calculate the value of Tc. Since we have a sine wave, it is possible to determine the angle at which the diode starts to conduct, which we will call θ1. So, considering the possibility of approximating the ripple waveform by a triangular wave, we can write

    v = VCmax   sen θ1 = VCmax - ΔVr

    From this equation we easily determine the value of θ1, or

    eq.   63-24
    Where the variables are:
  • θ1 - Angle at which the diode starts to conduct.
  • ΔVr - Peak-to-peak ripple voltage.
  • VCmax - Maximum voltage across the capacitor.

    You can also rewrite the eq 63-24, remembering the relation shown in the eq. 63-06 and, adapting, we get the eq. 63-25.

    eq.   63-25

    When the capacitor, in the charging process, reaches its maximum voltage, that is, VCmax, the current in the diode drops to zero and it stops conducting. The time the diode remains conducting depends on the time constant, or τ = RL C. In this way, we can determine the angle at which the diode stops conducting, represented here by θ2.

    θ2  =  π - tg-1 ( 2 π f   C  RL )

    By the equation eq. 63-03, we have to 2 f C  RL  = VCmax / ΔVr. So, we can rewrite the equation above as:

    eq.   63-26

    Here, you can also rewrite the eq equation. 63-26, remembering the relationship shown in the eq. 63-06 and, adapting, we get the eq. 63-27.

    eq.   63-27

    Here we're going to make a little parenthesis to make it very clear what θ1 is. and θ2. The angle θ1 represents the angle, from zero, to the moment when the diode starts to conduct. And the angle θ2 represents the angle at which the diode ceases to conduct, that is, from zero until the capacitor reaches its maximum voltage. It is important to note that the difference between θ2 and θ1 is exactly the conduction angle of the diode , φc, that is

    eq.   63-28

    See Figure 63-9 for the indication of the angles. The part in green indicates the conduction time of the diode, representing both Tc (in seconds) and φc (in degrees). The yellow part corresponds to the times the diode is cut. the angle θ1 goes from zero to the point where the diode starts to conduct. And the angle θ2 corresponds to the angle from zero to the point where the diode ceases to conduct.

    Therefore, the eq. 63-28 fully agrees with the Figure 63-09.

Figure 63-09

    Now, in possession of the value of Tc or φc, we can determine the peak current in the diode transforming to eq. 63-22 in the following equality:

    eq.   63-29

    Therefore, it is possible to calculate Ip either by eq. 63-29 or by eq. 63-22. Note that we use the angle of 180° in the relation, as we are analyzing a rectifier of full wave that has a period of π = 180°.


    "The peak voltage, Ip, calculated in the problems, can be tens of times greater than the rated current of the diode. This is not a problem, as every diode has the characteristic of withstanding repetitive surges (which happen in a very short time interval) of current much higher than the rated current. For example, the 1N 40xx series has a rated current of 1 A, however it supports a repetitive peak current of the order of 30 A, if the peak time does not exceed 8,3 ms."