Problem 10-23
Source: Problem 12 - List of Problems Circuits I -
School of Engineering Electrical Circuits - UFRGS - 2013 - Prof. Dr. Valner Brusamarello.
In the two circuits shown in Figure 10-23.1, R1 and R2 are the same.
Knowing that in the first circuit V = (1/3) E, determine I in the second circuit.
Solution of the Problem 10-23
For the first circuit we can apply a resistive voltage divider and find a relationship between the resistors
R1 and R2. So, applying eq. 10-02, we find:
Working algebraically this equation, we easily find that:
And to find the value of I just apply a current divider to the second circuit using eq. 10-05. Remembering that the numerator contains the value of the resistor where we do not want to calculate the current. In this case, we will enter the value of R1, as we want to calculate the current in R2. And we know that the current
arriving at the node is 60 A. Like this:
Making the substitution R1 = 2 R2, we find: