Problem 74-6 Source: Problem 27 - page 227 - HALLIDAY, RESNICK, WALKER, Jearl - Book: Fundamentos de Física - Vol 3 - Ed. LTC - 8ª edição - 2009.
An electron describes a helical path in a uniform magnetic induction field of modulus
equal to
Solution of the Problem 74-6
Using the
After algebraic manipulation, we have:
We use the fact that
Performing the calculation, we obtain:
Now we need to calculate the parallel component of the velocity. To do this, we will
use the
But first it is necessary to calculate the period of the movement, using the
Substituting for numeric values, we have:
Performing the calculation, we obtain:
Therefore, rearranging the terms of equation
Performing the calculation, we obtain:
Now that we have found the values of the two components of the velocity, we must add them vectorally, finding:
Performing the calculation, we obtain: