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acopla 78-1J.png

Figure 78-01

additive configuration
acopla 78-2J.png

Figure 78-02

configuração subtrativa
acopla 78-3J.png

Figure 78-03

alternative to the subtractive configuration

Figure 78-04

    Carrying out the calculation, we find:

    i'1 (t) = 20 000 sen (400 t)

    Substituting this value in eq. 78-02, let's get:

    v2 (t) = 2 x 10-3 x 20 000 sen (400 t) = 40 sen (400 t)   V

    3.   Equivalence of Inductances

    The two mutually coupled coils shown in Figure 78-05 can be interconnected in four different ways. Let's look at each case.

Figure 78-05

          Case 1
Figura 78-06

    The two mutually coupled coils shown in Figure 78-06 have the following equation:

    V = jω L1 I + jω M I + jω L2 I + jω M I

    This equation can also be written as:

    V = jω I ( L1 + L2 + 2 M ) = j ω I Leq

    In this way, we easily recognize that we can replace the entire circuit with an equivalent inductance given by:

    eq.   78-03

          Case 2
Figura 78-07

    The two mutually coupled coils shown in Figure 78-07 have the following equation:

    V = jω L1 I + jω M I + jω L2 I - jω M I

    This equation can also be written as:

    V = jω I ( L1 + L2 - 2 M ) = j ω I Leq

    In this way, we easily recognize that we can replace the entire circuit with an equivalent inductance given by:

    eq.   78-04

          Case 3
Figura 78-08

    The two mutually coupled coils shown in Figure 78-08, are actually in parallel, as we see on the right in the figure above. The two equations that govern the circuit are:

    V = jω L1 I1 + jω M I2
    V = jω M I1 + jω L2 I2

    Of these two equations it is possible to solve for I1 and I2. So, let's get:

    I1 = V ( L2 - M ) / jω ( L1 L2 - M2 )
    I2 = V ( L1 - M ) / jω ( L1 L2 - M2 )

    Using LKC on the circuit shown in Figure 78-08, we easily conclude that I = I1 + I2. With this information we can write

    I = I1 + I2 = V / jω Leq

    Where Leq is given by eq. 78-05.

    eq.   78-05

          Case 4
Figura 78-09

    Note that in case 4 the coils remain in parallel, but there was an inversion in the points. Thus, the current I2 enters the coil L2 on the side without point . Thus, the equations that govern the circuit are:

    V = jω L1 I1 - jω M I2
    V = - jω M I1 + jω L2 I2

    In the same way as in case 3 it is possible to solve the system for I1 and I2. And, using LKC, the relation between the currents is given by I = I1 + I2. Developing, we can write the following relation:

    I = I1 + I2 = V / jω Leq

    Where Leq is given by eq. 78-06.

    eq.   78-06

    4.   Coupling Coefficient

    Based on the fact that the energy stored in a coupled circuit cannot be negative, since the entire circuit is passive, we can establish an upper limit for mutual inductance. Thus, it can be concluded that the mutual inductance cannot be greater than the geometric mean of the coil autoinductances. The degree to which the mutual inductance M approaches the upper limit is specified by the coupling coefficient, k, given by

    eq.   78-07

    It should be noted that 0 ≤ k ≤ 1 because it represents the fraction of the total magnetic flux that emanates from one coil and passes through the other coil. If every flow produced by one coil passes through the other coil, then k = 1 and we say that we have a 100% coupling or that the coils are perfectly coupled. If k ≤ 0.5 we say that the coils are loosely coupled and, if k > 0.5, they are said to be tightly coupled .

    In many problems M is not given, but k is given. So, from the value of k we should find the value of M. For this we use the eq. 78-04, or

    eq.   78-08

    It may also happen that the values of L1 and L2. And neither does the value of ω. Only the values of XL1, XL2 and k are provided. Well, there is no need to provide the value of ω. How we are interested in the value of ωM , then we can make the following transformation in eq. 78-04, where ω M = ω k √ (L1 L2 ). Putting ω into the radical we can write the following: ω M = k √ (ω2 L1 L2 ) = k √ (ω L1 ω L2). But ω L1 is the inductive reactance of L1 and ω L2 is the inductive reactance of L2. So we can write that

    eq.   78-09

    5.   Linear Transformer

    We can consider the transformer as a device that contains two or more coils magnetically coupled. Normally, the power supply is connected to the primary and the load connected to the secondary. We call the transformer linear if the magnetic permeability, μ of the paths through which flows flow is constant. In transformers built without high permeability material in the core, the coupling coefficient, k, it is typically very small. Thus, we can use air core, plastic, bakelite, wood and others, as these materials have a constant permeability. This type of transformer has varied applications as in oscillators and radiofrequency amplifiers in radio receivers, television sets, measuring equipment, etc ...

        5.1   Reflection of Impedances

    Often, in solving a problem, it is necessary to know the impedance that the entire circuit represents for the power supply. In this situation, it is interesting to reflect all the impedance from the secondary to the primary. In this way, we easily calculate this impedance as we eliminate the presence of the transformer. So, let's analyze the circuit that appears in Figura 78-09.

Figure 78-09

    Following the methodology we have adopted, we will write the circuit equations shown in Figure 78-09 . Therefore:

    ( R1 + jω L1 ) I1 + jω M I2 = V
    eq.   78-10
    jω M I1 + ( R2 + jω L2 + ZL ) I2 = 0
    eq.   78-11

    To determine the impedance that the circuit represents for the source is the same as determining the input impedance of the circuit. For this, we can define Zin = V / I1. This relationship can be found by solving the eq. 78-10 such that, we find I2 as a function of I1 and substitute this value in eq . 78-11. Thus, we obtain the input impedance of the circuit being expressed by eq. 78-12.

    eq.   78-12

    By the eq. 78-12 , it is noticed that the input impedance is composed of two terms: the first term ( R1 + jω L1 ) represents the primary impedance; the second term is due to the coupling between the two windings. It is interpreted as a reflection of the impedance from the secondary to the primary. Normally, in the technical literature it is known as reflected impedance and represented by ZR.

    It should be noted that the result of eq. 78-12 is not affected by the position of the transformer points, as we achieve the same result when we replace M by - M.

        5.2   "T" model

    Often in coupled circuits, the construction of the solution equations can be quite complex. So, sometimes, it is perfectly understandable to want to replace a magnetically coupled circuit with one without a magnetic coupling. So, let's study how we can transform a magnetically coupled circuit into a circuit "T" or "Star", that does not have mutual inductance, as shown in Figura 78-10.

Figure 78-10

    Starting from a matrix equation that translates the voltage-current relationships for the primary and secondary windings and, later, find the inverse matrix, we can relate them to the corresponding equations for the "T" circuits. Thus, using the "T" circuit of the Figure 78-10 and making the appropriate comparisons, we find the equivalence according to the equations below.

    eq.   78-13
    eq.   78-14
    eq.   78-15

        5.3   "Pi" Model

    We will study how we can transform a magnetically coupled circuit into a "Pi" circuit, which is represented in Figure 78-11, which does not have a magnetic coupling.

Figure 78-11

    In the same way as was done for the "T" circuit, we will now compare it with the equations that represent the "Pi" circuit and we will obtain the equivalence between the circuits, as shows the equations below.

    eq.   78-16
    eq.   78-17
    eq.   78-18

    Looking closely at the equations for the "T" and "Pi" circuits, it can be seen that depending on the circuit configuration with magnetic coupling, we can find a negative value for some inductance. Although this is physically unattainable, the mathematical equivalent model is valid.

    6.   Ideal Transformer

    We define ideal transformer when it has the following characteristics:

  • The coils have very large reactances (L1, L2 e M → ∞ ).
  • The coupling coefficient is unitary (k=1).
  • Primary and secondary coils show no losses ( Rp = Rs = 0 ).

    We can approximate a transformer to an ideal one, replacing the air core used, in general, in linear transformers, with an iron core.

    When a sinusoidal voltage is applied to the primary winding, a magnetic flux, Φ, passes through both windings. This flow will induce a tension in the secondary winding. The relation between the voltage applied to the primary and the voltage that appears on the secondary will depend on the number of turns that each winding has. We normally represent the number of turns of the primary by N1 and the number of turns of the secondary by N2. It should also be noted that, in the ideal transformer, the output power is equal to input power, that is, there are no losses. At this point, we define the so-called transformation relation, which is expressed by eq. 78-19.

    eq.   78-19

    And as previously mentioned, the input and output powers in the ideal transformer are the same, that is,   P1 = P2 = V1 I1 = V2 I2.  So, this allows us to write that:

    eq.   78-20

    In figure Figure 78-12 we present the schematic of an ideal transformer

Figure 78-12

    Where the variables are:

  • V1 - Electrical voltage applied to transformer primary
  • V2 - Electrical voltage removed from the transformer secondary
  • I1 - Electrical current in transformer primary
  • I2 - Electrical current in transformer secondary
  • N1 - Number of turns of transformer primary
  • N2 - Number of turns of transformer secundary
  • ZL - Load connected to secondary
  • P1 - Power delivered to transformer primary
  • P2 - Power delivered to the load

    To represent an ideal transformer, notice the parallel vertical lines separating the coils as shown in Figure 78-12 . This indicates that the core is made of material with high magnetic permeability, such as iron.

        6.1.   Reflection of Impedances

    In the study of transformers we can work with the so-called impedance reflection . That is, we can reflect the impedance from the primary to the secondary and vice versa. It depends on the convenience of one or the other. Let's look at how these reflections are made.

        6.1.1   Reflection from Secondary to Primary

    The secondary impedance can be calculated as the ratio of the secondary voltage and current. Referring to the circuit shown in Figure 78-12, we can write that:

    Zs = V2 / I2 = ZL

    But by eq. 78-20 knowing that V1 = a V2 e  I1 = I2 / a. Thus, calculating the impedance that the circuit offers to the primary, we find:

    Zp = V1 / I1 = a V2 / (I2 / a) = a2 ZL

    That is, when we reflect the impedance of the secondary to the primary, we must multiply the impedance of the secondary by the square of the transformation relation. In short:

    eq.   78-21

        6.1.2   Reflection from Primary to Secondary

    Just as we reflect the impedance from the secondary to the primary, we can reflect that from the primary to the secondary. From eq. 78-20 we concluded that I2 = a I1 and also  V2 = V1 / a. Thus, calculating the impedance that the circuit offers the secondary, we find:

    Zs = V2 / I2 = (V1 / a) / a I1 = V1 / a2 I1 = Zp / a2

    We conclude that when we reflect the impedance from the primary to the secondary, we must divide the impedance of the primary by the square of the transformation relation. In short:

    eq.   78-22