Problem 15-2 Source:
Problem 4.12 - page 96 - NILSSON & RIEDEL -
Book: Circuitos Elétricos - 8ª edição - Ed. Pearson Education do Brasil - 2010.
In the circuit shown in Figure 15-02.1, calculate:
The voltages in the nodes and the currents i1 , i2 ,
i3 and i4.
Figure 15-02.1
Solution of the problem using Method of Transforming SourcesClick here!
Solution of the problem using Nodal VoltageClick here!
Solution of the problem using Superposition MethodClick here!
Solution of the Problem 15-2 -
Thévenin/Norton Method
Calculating i3,
facilitates the calculation of other currents. Thus the 80 ohms resistor will be removed from the circuit. Then, an open circuit appears between two terminals, these terminals where the
Thévenin equivalent will be found. See the Figure 15-02.2 for the circuit.
Figure 15-02.2
We calculate the value of e2 using the law of Ohm , that is:
e2 = 5 x 3 = 15 V
For the calculation of e1, we use a voltage divider
resistive, or:
e1 = 144 x 10 / (10 + 4) = 102.86 V
For the calculation of Vth, just do the mesh equation in the sense
anti-clockwise, as shown by the green line in the figure above. Like this:
- e2 - Vth + e1 = -15 - Vth + 102.86 = 0
Solving the equation:
Vth = 87.86 V
Now it is necessary to find the Thévenin resistance . To do this, simply
all the independent sources of the circuit. Voltage sources are short
circuited and current sources are open circuits , as shown in the
Figure 15-02.3.
Also, in the figure, the subsequent modifications are shown.
Figure 15-02.3
Note that the 4 ohms resistor is in parallel with that of 10 ohms , and the set is in series with that of 5 ohms . Doing the calculation:
Rth = [(4 x 10) / (4 + 10)] + 5 = 7.86 Ω
As we already know Vth and Rth, we can draw the
circuit. See ib the Figure 15-02.4 the circuit, with the inclusion of the 80 ohms
resistor where we want to calculate i3:
Figure 15-02.4
i3 = Vth / ( Rth + 80 ) = 1 A
For the calculation of i4, we know that:
i4 = 3 + i3 = 4 A
We can calculate the values of e1 e e2. Applying
the Ohm law to e2, we obtain:
e2 = 5 i3 = 5 x 4 = 20 V
And to calculate e1:
e1 = 80 i3 + e2 = 80 + 20 = 100 V
Finally, to calculate the values of i1 e i2,
applying the Ohm law , or:
i2 = e1 / 10 = 100 / 10 = 10 A
i1 = ( 144 - e1 )/ 4 = 44 / 4 = 11 A
If we want proof that these results are correct, we can take stock
circuit power.
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