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Figure 11-01.1

Figure 11-01.2
Figure 11-01.3

    P2 = 2 ( i2 )2 = 2 x 42 = 32 watts
    P6 = 6 ( i3 )2 = 6 x (-2)2 = 24 watts
    Summing up, algebraically, the dissipated powers by the resistors we find:
    P+ = 16 + 32 + 24 = 72 watts
    For the sources, note that the current goes out through the positive pole of the 16 volts source, that is, it is supplying power to the circuit, so its value is negative, or:
    P16 = - 16 |i1| = - 16 x 2 = - 32 watts
    For the voltage source of 20 volts the current also exits the positive pole because the direction of i3 is opposite to that shown in the figure giving power to the circuit. Therefore, it is also negative. Like this:
    P20 = - 20 |i3| = - 20 x 2 = - 40 watts
    Now we can add algebraically the powers provided by the sources and we find:
    P- = - 32 - 40 = - 72 watts
    Finally, we know that the algebraic sum of the powers and dissipated in a circuit must be equal to ZERO, that is:
    ∑ P   = P+ + P- = 72 - 72 = 0 watt

    Therefore it is proven that the results found are correct.