Problem 15-14 Source:
Problem elaborated by the author of the site.
Based on the previous problem, considering the circuit shown in
Figure 15-14.1,
determine the Thévenin equivalent of the circuit when analyzed from
the point of view of R.
Figure 15-14.1
Solution of the Problem 15-14
Since we have dependent and independent sources in the circuit, one of the
techniques that can be used is to remove the resistance R from the
circuit, as shown in Figure 15-14.2, and calculate the open circuit
voltage between the points r - s . In this way the
Thévenin Voltage is calculated, Vth. In a second moment,
apply a short circuit between the points
r - s and calculate the current of short circuit, Icc.
The ratio between these two quantities allows the calculation of
Thévenin Resistance.
Figure 15-14.2
Note that we represent only the part of the circuit that matters for the
calculation of Vth. This voltage will be given as a function
of current I . Remembering that
Va = 2 I and therefore the current source
2 Va = 4 I. And the current Ib = 4 I, because
the resistor R has been removed from the circuit. So the voltage source
5 Ib = 5 x 4 I = 20 I and by the resistor of 8 ohms
circulates a current equal to 5 I and over this resistor we will have a
voltage drop equal to 8 x 5 I = 40 I.
From this data, we can make the mesh indicated by the orange arrow on
the Figure 15-14.2. Then:
Vth = 40 I - 20 I + 40 I = 60 I
After calculating Thévenin Voltage we will calculate the
short circuit current when we short the r - s terminals. For that we
will be based on Figure 15-14.3
Figure 15-14.3
Here we also represent only the part of the circuit that matters for the calculation of
Icc. Remembering that V a = 2 I and therefore the current source
2 Va = 4 I. Note that resistor R has been replaced by
short circuit. Thus, by the resistor of 8 ohms circulates a current equal
to I + Ib. On the other hand, by analyzing the point r in
the circuit we find that the short circuit current is
Icc = 4 I - Ib. Then making the mesh indicated by
the green arrow, we have:
10 Ib - 5 Ib + 8 I + 8 Ib = 0
Performing the algebraic calculation, we arrive at a relationship between
I e Ib, or:
Ib = - 8 I / 13
By substituting this value in Icc we can calculate its value
as a function of I, or:
Icc = (4 - ( -8 / 13 )) I = (60 / 13 ) I
So, we have the values needed to calculate the Thévenin resistance. Then:
Rth = Vth / Icc = 60 I / (60 / 13 ) I
Performing the calculation, we find the value of Thévenin resistance. So:
Rth = 13 Ω
Figure 15-14.4
In the Figure 15-14.4, it is clear that the value of
Thévenin resistance confirms the value found in the previous problem of
the value of R resistor required to dissipate maximum power,
where we find the value R = 13 ohms.
The maximum power transfer theorem, studied in chapter 7, explicitly states that
for maximum power transfer the load must have the same value as the internal
resistance of the source, represented by
Rth in this problem.
Finally, we will express the values of I and IR in
R function. We know that the voltage on R is given by
VR = R (4 I - Ib). Developing this equation, after some
algebraic work, we arrive at:
On the other hand, we know that:
Considering that IR = 4 I - Ib, we find:
And so, we explored all that was possible of the problem 15-12
using the methods learned on this site. Have fun !!!!!!