The Parameters Y is an alternative for the case where the Parameters Z do not exist for
certain two-port circuits. In the Figure 32-01 we see the various variables involved in determining
of the parameters Y.
Figure 32-01
The Parameters Y are given by the following equations:
I1 = Y11 V1 + Y12 V2
eq. 32-01
I2 = Y21 V1 + Y22 V2
eq. 32-02
The terms Y are known as Admitting Parameters, and
its unit of measure is the SIEMENS.
The parameters values can be calculated by making V1 = 0, that is,
short-circuited input port or V2 = 0, which means short-circuited output port. Therefore,
these parameters are known as Short Circuit Admittance Parameters.
We can define the parameters as:
a)Y11 ⇒ Short-circuit input admittance.
b)Y12 ⇒ Short-circuit transfer admittance from Port 2 to Port 1.
c)Y21 ⇒ Short-circuit transfer admittance from Port 1 to Port 2.
d)Y22 ⇒ Admittance of short-circuit output.
2. Calculation of Parameters Y
Therefore, if we want to calculate Y11 and Y21 we should connect
a current source I1to port 1 and short-circuit port 2. Thus,
determining the values of V1 e I2, together with the value of
I1 which we already know, we calculate the parameters.
Y11 = I1 / V1and
Y21 = I2 / V1
eq. 32-03
And to calculate Y22 and Y12, we use the same reasoning,
connecting a current source I2 to port 2 and short-circuiting port 1.
As we know the value of I2 and calculating V1 and
I2, we can determine the parameters.
Y22 = I2 / V2and
Y12 = I1 / V2
eq. 32-04
Similar to the Parameters Z , if Y12 = Y21 we say that the circuit is
Thus, when a circuit is of this type, we can represent it by the circuit in the Figure 32-02.
Figure 32-02
If the circuit is not Reciprocal or Passive, that is, have dependent sources,
then we have to modify the model. See the Figure 32-03 an equivalent circuit model for general cases.
Figure 32-03
Note that this circuit is derived directly from the equations of the Parameters Y ,
given at the beginning of the page.
3. Equivalence between Z and Y Parameters
There is a relation between the parameters Y and Z given by the equations: