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Figure 33-01
    eq.   33-02

    These parameters are very useful in describing electronic devices such as transistors and others.

    We can define the Parameters "H" as:

    a) h11 ⇒ Short-circuit input impedance.

    b) h12 ⇒ Open circuit reverse voltage gain.

    c) h21 ⇒ Short-circuit direct current gain.

    d) h22 ⇒ Admittance of open circuit output.

    2.   Calculation of Parameters H

    We calculate h11 and h21 connecting a voltage source V1 or a current source I1 to Port 1, while short-circuiting Port 2, that is, V2 = 0. So, knowing V1, I1 and I2 we can determine these parameters.

    h11 = V1 / I1        and       h21 = I2 / I1
    eq.   33-03

    In the same way, we calculate h12 and h22 connecting a voltage source V2 or a current source I2 to Port 2,   while leaving Port 1 as an open circuit,   that is, I1 = 0. So, we determine the parameters.

    h22 = I2 / V2        and       h12 = V1 / V2
    eq.   33-04

    When h12 = - h21, we say that the circuit is RECIPROCAL.

    See the Figure 33-02 a model of an equivalent circuit of the Hybrid Parameters.

Figure 33-02