Problem 14-3 Source:
Example 5.10 - page 188 - IRWIN, J. David -
Book: Análise de Circuitos em Engenharia - 4ª edição - Ed. Pearson Education do Brasil - 2013.
In the circuit show in Figure 14-03.1, calculate:
a) The voltage of all the essential nodes.
b) The voltage at the terminals a-b.
c) The currents ik , ix and iy.
Figure 14-03.1
Solution of the problem using Method of Transforming SourcesClick here!
Solution of the problem using Nodal VoltageClick here!
Solution of the Problem 14-3 -
Superposition Method
To use the Superposition method we must keep in the circuit a single source at a time. As
we will have two calculations for the circuit currents, one for each source, let's differentiate these
currents with an additional index.
Initially, let's eliminate two of the sources. Remembering :
we eliminate a voltage source by short-circuiting its terminals, and a current
source becomes an open circuit. To differentiate the calculation of the currents
with different sources, let us assume the index "a" for the calculation
with the first source, the index "b" for the calculation with the second
source and for the third source, the "c" index.
Figure 14-03.2
In the Figure 14-03.2 we see the circuit with the elimination of two sources. Like this,
e1 and e2 they are the same,
as well as ixa and iya. Making the parallel
of the resistors 3 and 6 ohms, we find the equivalent resistance of 2 ohms . Therefore, by applying a current divider we can calculate the currents and voltages we want, that is:
ixa = iya = ( 16 x 2 ) / ( 2 + 8 ) = 3.20 A
ika = ( 16 x 1.6 ) / 6 = 4.267 A
With the values of the currents we can calculate the value of the voltages, or:
e1a = e2a = 6 ika = 25.6 volts
Now it is possible to calculate the value of e3a e
Vab1, or:
e3a = 6 ixa = 6 x 3.20 = 19.20 volts
Vab1 = 3 ixa = 3 x 3.20 = 9.60 volts
We then compute the requested variables in the problem using only the current
source of 16 A . Now we must recalculate the variables, using only the
voltage source of 12 volts. See in the Figure 14-03.3,
how the circuit was.
Figure 14-03.3
Well, the process is the same. We calculate the equivalent resistance of the
whole circuit, which is equal to 6.43 ohms ( 6||8 + 3) and from this
value we find the value of itotal of the circuit.
itotal = - 12 volts / 6.43 ohms = - 1.867 A
Note that the calculated current (itotal) has negative value,
meaning that its direction is contrary to what appears in the Figure 14-03.3. To calculate
ixb = iyb,
we apply a current divider , emphasizing that we must obey the direction of the currents in the circuit.
ixb = iyb = ( - 1.867 x 6 ) / (6 + 8 ) = - 0.80 A
ikb = ( - 1.867 x 8 ) / (6 + 8 ) = - 1.067 A
Now we can calculate the requested voltages in the problem.
e1b = 3 itotal = 3 x 1.867 = 5.60 volts
e2b = - 6 ikb = - 6 x 1.067 = - 6.40 volts
e3b = - 6 iyb = - 6 x 0.80 = - 4.80 volts
Vab2 = - 3 iyb = - 3 x 0.80 = - 2.40 volts
To calculate the last step, we will use the current source of
2 amp and eliminate the other two. In the Figure 14-03.4 we
see the circuit.
Figure 14-03.4
Analyzing the figure above, we notice that in the part of the circuit highlighted in yellow we have the resistors of 3 and 6 ohms in parallel and this set is in series with that of
2 ohms . Therefore, we have an equivalent resistance of 4 ohms . In the highlighted part in
green , we have two resistors in series, forming a
equivalent resistance of 6 ohms . Therefore, by applying a current divider,
we will calculate the values of the currents indicated in the circuit.
iyc = ( 2.0 x 4) / (6 + 4 ) = 0.80 A
ixc = (- 2.0 x 6) / (6 + 4 ) = - 1.20 A
Note that ixc has negative value, indicating that its direction
is contrary to that indicated in the Figure 14-03.4. To calculate ikc, we must realize that this is a portion of
ixc. Then:
ikc = ( 1.20 x 3) / (6 + 3 ) = 0.40 A
From this moment, we can calculate the voltages of the circuit, or:
e1c = e2c = 6 ikc = 6 x 0.40 = 2.40 volts
e3c = 6 iyc = 6 x 0.80 = 4.80 volts
Vab3 = 3 iyc = 3 x 0.80 = 2.40 volts
With all the partial values of the currents, we can now, adding algebraically the same, find the values of the
currents in the circuit, that is:
ix = ixa + ixb + ixc = 3.20 - 0.80 - 1.20 = 1.20 A
As you can see, in a circuit that has many sources, the Superposition method
can become quite laborious and time-consuming.
Resolution by Basic Circuit Method
Let's reproduce the original circuit and analyze its solution by BCM (Basic Circuit Method).
Figure 14-03.5
On the left side of the circuit shown in the Figure 14-03.5, the 16 A source can be transformed with the 3 ohms resistor which is in parallel with the source. This results in a voltage source of
48 volts in series with the 3 ohms resistor. Thus, there are two sources of voltage in series, but with opposite polarities. Then one must subtract his values and the positive pole will be in the sense of the source of greater value, that is,
the value will be 36 volts with the positive pole facing up.
Looking at the right side of the circuit, we realize that we can add the two resistors of
3 ohms each, totaling 6 ohms . And this resistor is in parallel
with the current source of 2 A . Therefore, by doing the transformation we will find
a voltage source equal to 12 volts with the positive pole facing
top. And adding the resistances, we find
a value of 8 ohms . Okay, we already have the circuit in the configuration
of the
basic circuit. See in the Figure 14-03.6, as the circuit was.
Figure 14-03.6
Stay tuned for the fact that we kept the point intact e2. So what we are going to calculate
is the current ik. The methodology is always the same.
Let's calculate Rsp as we have done in previous problems. Then:
Rsp = 3 x 6 + 3 x 8 + 6 x 8 = 90
Making the cross product of the sources with the resistors, adding them (because the positive pole
of the two sources are facing up) and dividing by Rsp, we found
the value of ik, or:
ik = (36 x 8 + 12 x 3) / 90 = 3.6 A
With the value of ik, easily calculate the value of e2
by applying the Ohm law , or:
e2 = 6 x 3.6 = 21.6 volts
To calculate the value of ix, we subtract the 12 volt source
of the value of e2 and we divide by the 8 ohms resistor. Soon:
ix = (21.6 - 12)/ 8 = 1.2 A
Returning to look at the original circuit we see that:
iy = ix + 2 = 3.2 A
The other values have already been calculated and will not be repeated here. Notice how much less
"operations" we accomplished and we quickly came to the results of the problem.