Problem 11-9 Source:
Adapted from the 1st test - Circuit Analysis I - Prof. Dr. Dênis Fernandes - PUCRS - 2018.
In the circuit show in Figure 11-09.1, calculate the voltages Vab , v1 and v2.
Figure 11-09.1
Problem solving using Voltage Node Methodclick here!
Solution of the Problem 11-9 -
Method of Transforming Sources
As we did in the previous exercise, let's turn the current source into two current
sources, using the principle called source explosion . Thus, we have the
circuit shown in the Figure 11-09.2.
Figure 11-09.2
Note that the two current sources are in parallel with resistors. Then we can make
a new transformation of sources.
Figure 11-09.3
Let's turn current sources into voltage sources. Thus, we present the circuit in
the Figure 11-09.3 already modified. Note that we have voltage sources in
series with resistors. We can sum the values of the resistors in series, obtaining 6 ohms in series with the source of 6 volts and 3 ohms in series with the other source of 6 volts.
We can use more source transformation until we get a circuit that can no longer
be reduced. In the Figure 11-09.4 we see the last two transformations we
can make.
With the right-hand circuit we can construct an equation to find the value
of Vab.
Figure 11-09.4
As indicated in the circuit, the circulating current
by 2 ohms resistor has the value of 1 - (Vab / 2).
Then we can write:
- Vab + 2 (1 - (Vab / 2)) = 0
In order to calculate, we find:
Vab = 1 volt
To calculate the values of v1 and v2,
we will use the circuit shown in the Figure 11-09.5 as a reference.
Figure 11-09.5
Note that for the point 1 , we can write the following equation for the
node voltage:
v1 / 2 + ((v1 - Vab) / 4) = -3
Remembering that Vab = 1 and doing the calculation, we find:
v1 = -3.67 volts
And for the point 2, we can write the following equation:
v2 / 2 + ((v2 - Vab) / 1) = 3
And doing the calculation, we find:
v2 = 2.67 volts
If you want to see the power balance for this problem
click here!