Problem 55-9
Source: Problem 2 - List of RLC Problems - Discipline
Electrical Circuits of the School of Engineering - UFRGS - 2017 - Prof. Dr. Valner Brusamarello.
In the circuit shown in the Figure 55-9.1, determine Vab.
Solution of the Problem 55-9
Notice that the capacitor -j4, being in parallel with the voltage
source can be eliminated from the circuit without prejudice to the solution.
In addition, the capacitor -j5 is in series with the inductor j5
canceling each other out. So we are left alone with the resistor of value
1 ohm in series with the voltage source. On the other hand, on the right
side of the circuit, there is a capacitor, -j2, in series with the
inductor j2 that are also canceled. This way we have a short circuit
between the points 1 and 2. This causes that there is no current
flow through the two resistors of value R.
Therefore, it is enough to calculate the voltage drop in the inductor, since this
will be equal to
Vab. To do so, we must calculate the current I that
flows through the inductor. Since there is only the 1 ohm resistor in the
circuit, we have:
Therefore, the voltage Vab is given by: