Problem + Hard 13-2
Problem worked out by the website author.
For the circuit shown in Figure 13-02.1, determine:
a) the values of I1, I2 and I3;
b) the value of the current flowing through the voltage source.
Solution of the Problem + Hard 13.2
At point d there are two resistors connected in parallel. Then you can replace them
for an equivalent value equal to 17 Ω. Establishing mesh equations.
Starting with I1:
So we have a system of three equations in three unknowns that can be solved by any method.
Using Octave, you find the following values:
To find the current flowing through the voltage source, we must do the
node equation for node a. Then:
Note that I2 + I3 is the current flowing between points c - a
and I1 - I3 is the current flowing between points b - a. Soon,
I3 cancels and we get:
It should be noted that the voltage source delivers a power to the circuit equal to the product of the source voltage
by the current passing through it. Then:
Note the negative value of the result, as the voltage source supplies power to the circuit. This power must be equal,
in module, to the power dissipated by all the resistors that make up the circuit. We leave it as an exercise for the
student to prove this affirmation.