Problem + Hard 84-1
Source: Problem prepared by the author of the site.
In the Figure 84-1.1 we have the circuit where the phase sequence is inverse or acb. It is known that
Van = 240∠0° V, Vbn = 240∠120° V and V cn = 240∠-120° V. In addition we have
ZA = 8 + j27 Ω, ZB = 18 + j17 Ω, Z C = 18 - j43 Ω and ZL = 2 + j3 Ω. Determine:
a) the line currents.
b) the voltages on the load of each phase.
c) the voltage VNn.
Figure 84-1.1
Solutiom of the Problem + Hard 84-1
Item a
To solve this problem, we will use the circuit shown in the Figure 84-1.2. This one
circuit is a simplification of the original where we add the load impedance values with
the line impedance. Doing the algebraic sum of the impedances we have the values of Z1 = 10 + j30 Ω, Z2 = 20 + j20 Ω and Z3 = 20 - j40 Ω
Figure 84-1.2
Using these values we will establish the mesh equations to determine the value of I1 and I2. Starting with I1 we have:
(30 - j10) I1 + (20 - j40) I2 = Van - Vcn = Vac
To I2 we have:
(20 - j40) I1 + (40 - j20) I2 = Vbn - Vcn = Vbc
We have a system of two equations with two unknowns. We know that subtracting two phase voltages gives a line voltage. In this way, performing the calculation we find the voltages:
Vac = 361.74 + j 207.85 = 415.70∠30° V
Vbc = 0 + j 415.70 = 415.70∠90° V
Thus, with these data and solving the system, either by determinant, or by software like Octave,
values are found:
I1 = -j 3.292 = 3.292∠-90° A
I2 = -2.191 + j 10.954 = 11.171∠101.31° A
Now, comparing the two circuits above, it is concluded that:
IA = I1 = -j 3.292 = 3.292∠-90° A
IB = I2 = -2.191 + j10.954 = 11.171∠101.31° A
Remember that IC has the opposite direction to the sum of currents I1
and I2, so:
IC = - (I1 + I2) = - (-j 3.292 -2.191 + j 10.954)
Carrying out the calculation, we find:
IC = 2.191 - j 7.662) = 7.97∠-74.04 A
Item b
To determine the voltages on the load in each phase, one must calculate the voltages VAN , VBN and VCN. Using the Ohm law we have:
VAN = IA ZA = 3.292∠-90° x (8 + j 27)
Carrying out the calculation, we find:
VAN = 88.88 - j 26.34 = 92.7∠-16.5° V
Repeating the calculations for the phase voltages B and C, where
VBN = IB ZB and VCN = IC ZC , we find:
VBN = -225.65 + j 159.93 = 276.58∠144.67° V
VCN = -290.05 - j 232.16 = 371.53∠-141.33° V
Item c
To find the VNn voltage, you can loop through any of the three phases.
Let's choose phase A. Then:
VNn = Van - IA Z1
Substituting for numerical values and carrying out the calculation, we find: