Problem 71-13
Source: Problem elaborated by the author of the site.
Being Q1 = - 50 µC and Q2 = + 50 µC, find the electric field at points A and B. Use the distances shown in the Figura 71-13.1.
Figura 71-13.1
Solution of the Problem 71-13
Initially we will calculate the electric field at point A due to charge Q1, which we will call
EA1. The distance from the point A to the charge Q1, applying the Pythagorean theorem, is d(AQ1)2 = 302 + 802. Then d(AQ1) = 85.44 cm = 0.8544 m. So
EA1 = K Q1 / d(AQ1)2 = 9 x 109 x 50 x 10-6 / 0.85442
Carrying out the calculation, we find
EA1 = 616 439 N/C
Now let's calculate the electric field at point A due to charge Q2, which we will call EA2. The distance from point A to load Q2 is direct from Figure 71-13.1, or d (AQ2) = 30 cm = 0.3 m. Using the same equation as before, substituting the numerical values and performing the calculation, we find
EA2 = 5.0 x 106 N/C
Note that the electric field at point A due to charge Q2 is about 10 times greater than due to load
Figure 71-13.2
The Figure 71-13.2 anticipates the scheme of forces acting at points A and B.
Initially, let's fix our attention on the point A. We must determine the angle that the fields
EA1 and EA2 do with the horizontal. The angle of EA2 with the horizontal is 90°. The angle that EA1 makes with the horizontal is negative, as it is below the horizontal. The angle is given by:
With this value we can calculate the component on the axis x of EA1, or
EA1x = EA1 cos θ = 577 175 N/C
And we can calculate the component on the axis y of EA1, or
EA1y = EA1 sen θ = - 216 486 N/C
Now we can find the field value on the axis y, or
EAy = EA2 + EA1y = 5 x 106 - 216 486
Carrying out the calculation, we find:
EAy = 4 783 514 N/C
We now have two fields that make an angle of 90° to each other. Then, applying the theorem
of Pythagoras, we will find the value of EA at the point A.
EA2 = ( 4 783 514 )2 + ( 577 175 )2
Carrying out the calculation, we find:
EA = 4 818 209 N/C
This same value would be found using the law of cosines, remembering that the angle between the fields
is equal to 90° + 20.56° = 110.56°. And to find the angle φ that EA makes with the axis x,
just calculate
φ = tg-1 (EAy/EA1x) = tg-1 ( 4 783 514/577 175 )
Carrying out the calculation, we find:
φ = 83,12°
And for the calculation of the electric field at the point B, we realize that there is a symmetry in relation to the charges,
since the distances between the point B and the charges are equal. Then, in module, the value of
EB1 and EB2 will be the same, changing only the direction as indicated by the
Figure 71-13.2. And based on Figure 71-13.1 we can calculate the distance
d2 (BQ1) = 0.32 + 0.42, which results in the value
d (BQ1) = 0.5 m. Then, we have:
EB1 = EB2 = K Q1 / d(BQ1)2 = 9 x 109 x 50 x 10-6 / 0.502
Carrying out the calculation, we find:
EB1 = EB2 = 1 800 000 N/C
To find the angle that the fields make with the horizontal, we just need to calculate the arctangent of the
opposite side by the adjacent side, or:
θ = tg-1 (0.3/0.4) = 36.87°
As shown in Figure 71-13.2 we see that the vertical components will cancel out, because
one will be negative and the other positive. Since, in modulus, they are equal, so the result is zero. Then, only the horizontal components are left which, in module, are equal. Therefore, we can write:
EB1x = EB2x = EB1 cos θ
From this information we conclude that:
EB = 2 EB1 cos θ = 2 x 1 800 000 x cos 36.87°
Carrying out the calculation, we find:
EB = 2 878 000 N/C
Note that the field EB is parallel to the axis x, that is, it makes an angle
of 0° with the horizontal.