Problem 24-4 Fonte:
Adapted from Question 3 of the Electrical Circuit Test II of PUCRS - 2019.
a) In the circuit shown in the Figure 24-04.1, determine the value of Rx so that the circuit has an underdamped response with oscillation frequency ωd = 0.5 rad/s
b) After determining the value of Rx, determine the answer iL (t) if Vi = 10 u-1 (t).
Figure 24-04.1
Solution of the Problem 24-4
Item a
To solve this problem, first let's find the Thévenin equivalent of the
circuit formed by the source and the two Rx resistors. We can
see the result in the Figure 24-04.2.
Figure 24-04.2
Note that we now have a parallel RLC circuit that is perfectly solvable by applying the theory already studied.
Then, with the values provided by the problem we can calculate the operating frequency of the circuit using the eq. 24 - 06, and we found:
ωo2 = 1 / L C = 1/ (1 x 1) = 1 rad2 / s2
We easily conclude that:
ωo = 1 rad / s
However, we know that there is a relation between ωo, ωd and α given by eq. 24-13 . How do we know the values of ωo and ωd, the value of α will be:
α2 = ωo2 - ωd2 = 12 - (0,5)2
Performing the calculation, we find the value of α, or:
α = √3 / 2
Note that in this case, α < ωo, confirming a under-damped response. Thus, the two roots of the characteristic equation are complex and the equation for
iL(t) will be in the form of eq. 24-14 plus If. On the other hand, with the value of α we can calculate the value of Rx using eq. 24-05. However, we must be aware that the value we should use is Rx / 2 in the eq. 24-05. Then:
Rx / 2 = 1 / 2 α C = 1 / 2 x (√3/2) x 1
Performing the calculation, we find:
Rx = 2 / √3 = 1.155 Ω
Item b
When the voltage source starts operating at t = 0 the inductor will behave like an open circuit.
Therefore, we conclude that iL (0) = 0 A. On the other hand, when
t → ∞ The inductor behaves like a short circuit. In this case, we should look at the original circuit to calculate iL (∞). Note that between the inductor and the source we only have the resistor Rx, then :