Problema + Hard 16-1.
Source: Problem prepared by the author of the site.
Calculate the values of R1, R2 and R3
so that the voltmeter shown in the figure below can measure up to 1 volt when
the selector switch is in the x1 position, 10 volts in the x10 position, and
100 volts in position x100. The measuring instrument is a microammeter
with full scale of 100 µA and internal resistance of 500 Ω conform shown in
Figure 16-01.1
Figure 16-01.1
Solution of the Problem + Hard 16-1.
Initially, let's calculate the necessary voltage for the instrument to have the maximum deflection.
We know that the full scale is 100 µA and the internal resistance is 500 Ω.
So the voltage is:
Vg = Ri Ig = 500 x 0.0001 = 0.05 V
Solution for position x1
Therefore, in order to measure 1 volt we need an external resistance that
should cause a voltage drop of Vr = 1 - 0.05 = 0.95 volts.
So it's easy to calculate the value of R1 when the selector key
is positioned at x1. Therefore:
Another way to calculate the value of R1 would be to calculate the
total resistance that the circuit should have and then subtract the
value of Ri. Look:
Rtotal = V / Ig = 1 / 0.0001 = 10,000 Ω
Now we subtract from Rtotal the value of Ri, obtaining:
R1 = Rtotal - Ri = 10,000 - 500 = 9,500 Ω
Solution for position x10
Looking closely at the circuit we see that when
the selector switch is in position x10, resistor R1
will be in series with R2 as well as Ri. Soon we can
calculate the value of R2 by calculating the total resistance and
then subtract the values of Ri and R1. Therefore:
Rtotal = V / Ig = 10 / 0.0001 = 100,000 Ω
Subtraindo de Rtotal o valor de Ri + R1,
Following the same reasoning above and realizing that when
the selector switch is in position x100, resistor R1,
R2 as well as Ri will be in series with
R3. Then, you can
calculate the value of R3 by calculating the total resistance and
then subtract the values of Ri, R1 and R2< /sub>.
Rtotal = V / Ig = 100 / 0.0001 = 1,000,000 Ω
Subtracting from Rtotal the value of Ri +
R1 + R2, we get:
R3 = Rtotal - Ri - R1 - R2
Substituting numerical values, we find for R3 the value of:
R3 = 900,000 Ω
Note that in this type of circuit we will always have the sum of the previous resistors
for each scale we choose. This is normally the circuit used in instruments
To finish, we can calculate the sensitivity of the instrument: