Problem 52-1
Source: Problem 32 - page 440 -
BOYLESTAD, Robert - Book: Introdução à Análise de Circuitos -
10ª edição - Ed. Pearson Education do Brasil - 2004.
A circuit dissipates 100 W (average power) at 150 V (rms input voltage)
and 2 A (rms input current). What is the power factor?
Repeat the problem for a power of 0 W and 300 W.
Solution of the Problem 52-1
As V = 100 V and I = 2 A we can calculate the apparent power, or:
On the other hand, we know that the power factor can be expressed as the quotient between the
average power and the apparent power. Soon:
In this case, since the average power is zero, it means that the circuit contains only reactive elements and, of course:
Note that in this case, P > S, that is, the average power is greater than
apparent power and this is IMPOSSIBLE.