Problem 51-2
Source: Problem 30 - page 403 -
BOYLESTAD, Robert - Book: Introdução à Análise de Circuitos -
10ª edição - Ed. Pearson Education do Brasil - 2004.
Calculate the phase difference between the waveforms of each pair below:
a) v = 2 cos (ωt - 30°) and i = 5 sin (ωt + 60°)
b) v = - sin (ωt + 20°) and i = 10 sin (ωt - 70°)
c) v = -4 cos (ωt + 90°) and i = -2 sin (ωt + 10°)
Solution of the Problem 51-2
Item a
Note that in this item v and i are written to different functions. Therefore, you should write them as sine or cosine function. It was chosen to write the i function as a
cosine function. Since the cosine function is always advanced by 90° with respect to the sine function, then i = 5 cos (ωt + 60° - 90°) = 5 cos (ωt - 30°).
Soon, knowing that:
θ = θv - θi
Making the substitution by the values of the angles we have:
θ = - 30° - (- 30°) = 0°
Conclusion: v e i are in phase.
Observation - The function v could have been written as a sine function. Since sine is delayed by 90° in relation to cosine, then v = 2 sin (ωt - 30° + 90°) = 2 sin (ωt + 60°).
Comparing the two functions we conclude that they are in phase, or θ = 0°.
Item b
In this case, the negative sign of the function v can only be removed by adding an angle of 180 °, or v = sin (ωt + 20° + 180°) = sin (ωt + 200°). Now there are two sine functions, so the angle of lag can be calculated, or:
θ = 200° - (- 70°) = 270°
Thus, we can say that voltage is advanced by 270° in relation to
current or, what is the same thing, voltage is delayed by 90° in
relation to the current .
Another way to solve the problem is to subtract 180° from the function v, that is,
v = sin (ωt + 20° - 180°) = sin (ωt - 160°) . Therefore, the angle between v and
i will be of:
θ = -160° - ( -70°) = -90°
The same conclusion is similar from the previous solution: the voltage is delayed by 90° in
relation to current i.
Item c
Writing v as a sine function, you must subtract 90°, that is,
v = - 4 sin (ωt + 90° - 90°) = - 4 sin (ωt + 0°) . As v and i
are written with the same function, we can calculate the angle of lag, or:
θ = 0° - 10° = - 10°
Thus, it can be stated that the voltage is delayed by 10° in relation to the
current or, what is the same thing, the current is advanced by 10° in relation
to the voltage.
Observation - The function i could have been written as a cosine function. Because cosine is advanced by 90° in relation to
sine, then i = - 2 cos (ωt + 10° + 90°) = - 2 cos (ωt + 100°).
Performing the calculation, θ = 90° - 100° = - 10°. That is, the same conclusion is reached.